Direct from the Philippines!
Digging deeper
into my strange mind.
It's a short
trip to the center!

Welcome: Although this site is now archived, there is so much here that will satisy your curiousity
about my life as a missionary in the Philippines. So please check out all the links, especially the one regarding our
first few weeks! Why the change? Because I finally discovered a free site that was actually designed for blogs.
So after you're doon checking things out here, CLICK HERE to pay me a visit at my new blogs site.
CLICK HERE for other Missionary Blogs from Philippines
More Site-Related Links
My Main Site, My Articles, Sermon Outlines, Who I Am, Where I Live, What I Do, Updates, Obstacles, More Testimonials, All Links, Recent Photos, All Photo Albums at Multiply, Family Website with Photos, My Sending Church, Our Seminary, Iba Mission, My Beliefs, How to be Saved, Blog-Reports, Christian OFWs, Spurgeon's Devotions