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Thanking some of those
who help us!

Youth Pastor Alex
Deacon and Youth Pastor Alex has taken courses in our seminary, preaches, baptizes, is
married, has four children, and is waiting for his petition to come through so he can join his wife and eldest son already
in the States. He has been doing an excellent job with our teens with one neighboring pastor writing: "My observations regarding
the members (mostly our teens) of his church during their inter-church fellowship and sports activities, is that they are
more disciplined. We see no compromising behavior in them and their church discipline and spiritual maturity were evident.
Thus other churches give them their due respect and high regard." (WOW what a compliment!) His teens visit, conduct ministries
and outreaches, lead our music, sing in their own choir on Sunday mornings, occasionally preach, clean our church, are faithful
to our services, won many trophies in competitions (including "best church") and much more. Thanks Youth Pastor Alex!

Thank you very much that you have send Pastor Mislan
and his family to our country as a missionary. They have been a big help to our church family especially to me. As a youth,
Pastor Mike has preached and taught me to know God better and serve Him. If not for him and God, surely I'm one of youth of
this world playing with sin and corrupting my body which I know is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. That is why I'm writing
you, to thank you for your kind heart of sending Pastor Mislan to our country and may God bless you a thousand fold.
Bro. Edward
Bro. Edward was saved and baptized in our church, is a third year Pastoral Theology major
in our seminary, and is on church staff as a Christian worker. He often preaches , teaches our Adult Sunday School,
supervises church activities, visits, does yard work, and just about anything else I need help with. He writes..
I always thank God for leading to this church. Truly, everything works together for good
to them that love God. I'm a Christian worker of this church for almost two years now. I never thought I would end up serving
God full time. Just out of the blue God directed me to this church. It's surly not my plan. I know it's God's will for my
life. I thank Pastor Mike who is always there to guide me, and pull me whenever I'm taking the wrong path. I know it's God's
love that He let me be guided by a person like Pastor Mike. ... Now I'm planning to be more busy in God's work. I have ministries
in the church but I don't want to be satisfied on those things. I want to do more for God. God has given me a help for the
first time. I have an inmate JayJay even though he just gonna stay for three months. I thank God for him. Pray for us that
we can get along (I'm sure we will). Pray also that I would influence him to be closer to God, and that we could work together
for God. To God be the praise.

Bro. Manny
After experiencing some problems with his former church, Bro Manny was backslide
for a few years. But through his daughter Emily, he was introduced to our church, and after discovering that we are
genuine, cautiously joined our church, and started serving. Today he heads up one of our prayer stations, is faithful
in all our church services, participates all our church activities, does maintenance on our church property, and is part
of my Pastoral Advisory Teem.

Bro. Judy

Deacon Ponsing
Deacon Ponsing was originally a discouraged Catholic who was hosting Jehovah Witness Bible
studies in his home. But in time, his search lead Him to Christ where he became saved and baptized into our church, proved
himself faithful, and became a deacon. He has taken curses in our Seminary, manages and farms a large rice field, owns a water
buffalo and three cows, has helped us with rice, periodically cleans out our rain ditch, drives and maintains our church vehicle,
has lead our music, heads up one of our prayer stations, is on our Pastor's Advisory Committee, and will preach his first
sermon in January of 2010!
"Thank you Pastor Jimmy Walker for sending the Mislan
Family, here in the Philippines or in the SMBC as one of your great missionaries. We are so very grateful that we have an
excellent, kind but strict, righteous and genuine Pastor. Maybe if he did not come here, I might or we might not have been
saved.. so thank you so much. We enjoyed so much our membership here in SMBC we can say that we have a genuine church because
he is a good shepherd to us. Thank you God and bless you Pastor Jimmy Walker."

Bro. Ray Ortiz
Bro. Rey, was a repentive backslider who came to us wanting
to join and to serve God. After submitting to my Scriptural requirements, he got things right and we permitted him to join.
He is now happily married with two children, and is very involved in initiating various programs and outreaches. He has conducted outreaches to an Army outpost, has organized a "Student
Christian Movement" in a neighboring college, has conducted Bible studies, sings in our choir, is a member of Gideons, and
organizes and directs our Family Camp which is conducted each year in April.

Bro. Rey Tomboc

Sis. Lenore

Bro. Joshua
Don't let Josh fool you. His humility and youthfulness can deceive you. He often leads
our congregational music, sings in our teen choir, plays the violin and guitar, helps in our Junior Church, is active in our
Saturday outreaches, helps clean and set up the church before services, does landscaping work like trimming trees, digging
ditches, painting and carpentry work, and occasionally heads up our teen choir. He is also active in our Youth Group and even
has counseled young men who are older than him! He is making the A honor role in his school, and is good in playing basketball.

Bro. Larry Tomboc . .
Stay tuned....

Pastor Jun and Sister Bessie
Stay tuned....
A Testimony: Having been
an assistant pastor I learn a lot of him to develop my character and to be more equip for the ministry. Ptr. Mike has a big
vision for our church and ministries like Seminary to help other pastors, missionaries and church workers. For me its my honor
to have had a Pastor like him.

Bro. Jonathan
Raised on the mission field and fluent in Tagalog, our eldest son
Jonathan has preached in area National churches, has taught our Adult Sunday School class and preached here, has headed up
our Ambassador's Evangelistic Campaign as our main speaker, has taught Evangelism and Basic Bible in our Seminary, and is now in the States continuing his Bible training to return as a missionary.

Pastor Chris Wass and his Wife, Pam
Stay tuned....

