






The Need
"I'm wondering if you and your wife or somebody from your congregation could visit my brother in San Felipe at his house in Laoag and most especially witness to them.. My sister and her daughter live right next to them.. Please let me know how it goes.." Tess


According to recent statistics, as of January of 2009, over eight million Filipinos, or one out of every eleven, have left their homeland to find employment and work abroad. This page is reserved for our Christian OFWs, who need advice, or who while working abroad, would like to see their family and loves ones reached back here with the Gospel. Here you will find helpful advice, and many links to other churches, where you can either worship abroad, or who will visit your loved ones back home with the Gospel Message.  Click here if you'd like to send me a message.  You are not alone, and have friends here who can help you!


Tips for NEW Christian OFWs

1. Make sure it is God's will:  While there are certainly financial benefits, often, overseas employment hurts the family, leads to marital unfaithfulness, laziness, vices, unthankfulness on the part of the dependent children, a wasting of your hard earned money, and an inability to enjoy the freedom of worship, or to join a church of like faith.  Everything will be in the hands of your employer, who can respect your spiritual rights, or deny you all freedoms.  But God's Will is always good, acceptable and perfect (Rom.12:2).  You should consult your Pastor before you apply, and think of overseas employment as a LAST option to feed your family.

2. Make it a joint Decision.  God's original plan is for the husband, wife and children to remain together.  The intense loneliness of being away from your husband or wife, or your children is a severe form of suffering, and no decision should be made where finances becomes more important than fulfilling the spiritual role as parents.   "The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency (1 Cor 7:4-5)."  

3. Leave legally:  "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.(Rom 13:1-2)"  Fill out all emplyment and visa applications honestly, xerox copy all documents, and get Letters of Reference.  Copies of documents should be safeguarded back home, including copies of passports, transcripts and contact agreements. Often what is promissed, advertised or contracted CHANGES once you arrive.  Arriving legally, helps protect you, and qualifies you to certain legal rights, making abuses or exploitations more difficult.  "A GOOD name is rather to be  chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.  Rom 12:17 "Provide  things honest in the sight of all men (Prov.22:1)."  

4. Finish all Business:  (Acts 20:32-38) This should include paying off all debts, updating your address book, getting an e-mail address, and making arrangements for how you want your finances handled. To avoid seeing your money wasted back home on vises or entertainment, have a trusted person moniter and e-mail back how your sent back funds are being spent, making conditions of future sendings.  Have a budget which includes what you will spend, what you will save, and what you will send back home.  By having a savings, you can still accomplish something for you family when you return, if you discover what you sent back had been wasted.  Leave on good terms with family and friends to avoid regrets after you have left (1 Cor 7:5), apologize for wrong doings, pay off any debts, and make things right.  There is no guarentee they will live until your return, and problems in communication may make it difficult to solve unresolved problems. 

5. Find a good church:   "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching (Heb 10:24-25). But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth.. (Duet.8:18)"  Look in the Yellow Pages, call a Christian Book Store, Internet search, or ask new friends. A failure to find, join and become active with fellow believers, can result in a moral decay of your own life, and regrets from the consequences of sin, and the financial price of worldly living.  According to a standard Baptist Church Charter: "We moreover engage, that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this Covenant, and in principles of God's Word."

6. Join an Association for Christian OFWs for contacts and job opportunities, advice, problem solving, friendships, social needs.  There is safety in the collective wisdom and advise from other OFWs who have preceeded you.  "And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers (Acts 18:3)".   

7. WORK and make a Budget!  That's why you came!  Get a Job   "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." (2 Thes 3:10).  Your budget should include what you'll spend, save and send back home.  This way, if you discover the money you sent back home was wasted, your savings can still rescue you.  You owe it to your suffering family, to justify your absense.  Being unwise with your income, penalized them TWICE!

8. Keep in Touch and NEVER argue:  "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country (Prov.25:25)!  Email, call, write, video conference, but never argue.  It is too easy to cut communication as a punishment, and when pride steps in, it is too easy to fall into sin.  Unresolved interpersonal problems with your husband or wife while you are away, will only harm your already stuggling marriage.

9. Contact Us:  We understand, and also stand ready to reach your unsaved family back home. 



Check these directories for a Church near your family


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Ind. Baptist Church National Directory

Basic Baptist Church Directory

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BBFI Church Directory

Philippine Baptist Church Websites

Philippine Baptist Church Listing

Listed by Provinces

Philippine Fundamental Truth Directory

Philippine Fundamental Baptist Churches

Philippine Churches around the World

Ind. Fund. Baptist Church Web Listings

The Way of Life Church Directory

Baptist Church Websites by States

GFBM Missionary Listings

Baptist Top 1000 Websites

Top 500 Fundamental Websites

Church Service Directory

Listing of over 7000 Missionaries

26,000 Baptist Churches-411 Directory

Filipino Missionaries Around World



Or, I can give your prospects to these area churches I know.

We are committed to reaching your families.


How to call a Pastor from abroad

Just replace the first four digits of our cell phone numbers with 011-63 so that (0-916) 515-1562 becomes (011-63) 916-515-1562.

San Marcelino (our town)

Missionary-Pastor Mike Mislan
San Marcelino Baptist Church and Seminary
National Rd., Brgy. San Guillermo
San Guillermo, San Marcelino, 2207
E-Mail: Genuine.Missions@yahoo.com
Cell Phone: 0-916-515-1562

Pastor Bernard Ruillo
International Baptist Church
Nagbunga, San Marcelino, Zambales
Cell Phone: 0-929-324-0007

PTR (currently without)
Linusungan Baptist Church
Linusungan, San Marcelino
Cell Phone: 0-915-888-7184
E-mail: linusunganbapt_06@yahoo.com.ph

Olongapo City

Please text 0-916-515-1562 for corrections

Pastor Elmer Biado
Christian Baptist Tabernacle
5 Long Road, Gordon Hgts.
Cell Phone: 0-928-504-9113

Missionary-Pastor Teddy Fulfer
Subic Bay Baptist Church (and Children's Home)
61 Jasmin St, Prk 5, New Cabalan
Landline: 047-224-2431 or 047-224-2090
e-mail address: teddy@sbchome.org
Web Address...

Pastor Ed Boniog
Scripture Baptist Church (and Seminary campus extension)
Tabacuhan, Olongapo City
Cell Phone:0-910-415-0191
E-Mail: ed_boniog@hotmail.com

Pastor Edwin Alvarez
Lighthouse Bible Baptist Mission/Church
24 14th St., West Tapinac, OC 2201
Cell Phone: 0-921-728-5565

Pastor will be added
Sunbeam Bible Baptist Church
#24 Gordon Av., New Asinan
Other information will be added

Pastor Dennis Linobo
Landmark Bible Baptist Church
New Cabalon, Olongapo City
Cell Phone:0-921-405-8437

Pastor Tony Evangelista
Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church
28 Brill St. WBB, Olongapo City 2200
Tel. Number: 0918-576-3138
e-mail: SubicBaylighthousebbc@yahoo.com

Pastor: Alandino Estinopo
Agape Baptist Church
9 Otero Ave., Maybayuan, OC
Phone: 047-223-7118, Cell Phone 0973-46-5911
Asst Pastor: Ricky Arandia

Pastor Eduardo P. Mabita, Jr.
Blessed Hope Fundamental Baptist Church
18A-3 20th St., West Bajac-Bajac, OC
Phone: 047-223-2427
Cellphones: 0918-370-1013, 0918-370-4844

Pastor Antonio Evangelista
Subic Bay Bible Baptist Church
25th St., West Bajac-Bajac, OC
Phone: Unknown

United Baptist Church
80 Abra St., Barretto, OC
Phone: 047-223-9385
Pastor: unknown

Pastor: Gerry Cagud
Olongapo Grace Baptist Church
1947 Hi-way, Old Cabalan, OC
Phone: 047-223-5907

Pastor Richard Perfecto

(but not sure, may be pastoring in States now)
Park Baptist Church
Arther St., West Bajac-Bajac, OC
Phone: 047-223-6338
Pastor Rev. Job.A. Bondad
Firstborn Bible Baptist Church
1133 Sta.Rita Road, Olongapo City, 2200
Cell Phone  0-910-9422-923

First Olongapo Fundamental Baptist Church
59 Fendler Street, East Tapinac, OC
Still checking on this one


Pastor Damian Borbe
Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church
1 Ilwas, Subic, Zambales 2209
Cell Phone: 0-910-322-5454
E-Mail: feedlar2000@yahoo.com

Pastor Larry Dimaandal
Christian Baptist Tabernacle
0420 Guttires St. Calapacuan
Subic, Zambales, Philippines 2209
Cell Phone: 0-392-624-7422
E-Mail: larry_dimaandal2001@yahoo.com

Pastor Sammy Mista
Landmark Bible Baptist Church
Cell Phone:0-921-736-3232
E-Mail: lbbcsubic@gmail.com

Pastor Manny Catriz
Tabernacle Bible Baptist Church
(with new Bible Institute)
Cell Phone:0-928-240-5126
E-Mail: mannycatriz@yahoo.com

Pastor Rodelio B. Manzano
International Baptist Church
San Isidro, Subic., Zamb.
Cell Phone: Unknown at this time

Pastor Gideon B. Sagansay (OFW now)
Pastor Rodolfo (Replacing Pastor)
International Baptist Church
Subic, Zambales
Cell Phone 0910-479-3290

Current areas where my Pastor friends can visit your family or loved ones.


Click and submit your information



NEW CHURCH...If you're an area Independent Baptist Pastor who wants to be added to my list of pastors and churches, please click LIST MY CHURCH and send us your church information.

NEW PROSPECT...If you are a Christian residing or working abroad and have family who you want visited here, please click and write the details under VISIT MY FAMILY and one of these pastors listed below (or another) will pay them a visit and report back to you.

Pastor Friends With Websites

Iba Bible Baptist Mission

NATIONAL Directory of Baptist Churches

Subic, Christian Baptist Tabernacle

SUBIC, Pastor Sammy Mista

Subic Bay Baptist Church and Childrens Home

CEBU CITY, Pastor Armie Jesalva, MD

CASTILLEJOS, Ptr. Rod Nabua, Jr.

Missionary Websites in Asia

Why so many churches per town?


Each town or city consists of five to thirty barangays (villages) which help govern their respective communities, having their own office, administration, officers, budget and legal jurisdictions to solve community problems at the lower level before taking them formally to the town hall. Our town for example, San Marcelino, has eighteen Barangays. In larger cities, Barangays can further be subdivided in Puroks which also have their own representatives. Since a Barangay functions as its own community, it has been the goal of aggressive missions to see a church planted in each of the over 42,000 barangays in the Philippines. Currently, 26,000 barangays with a population of 39 million, are without any church. This is why several Baptist churches can minister in the same town, and not interfere with each other.

Also, many communities are separated by mountains, valleys, jungle and water and are isolated from the town proper with limited public transportation. What normally would be a half hour drive in the States, could be over an hour here on bad roads and on crowded public jeepneys that make frequent stops for passenger pickups and drop-offs, which may require more jeepneys and possibly a trike to finally reach your destination, which takes far longer during the rainy season with mud, flooding, bad roads, etc. In short, the Philippines is not like the USA, where you can drive to a church a few towns away in under an hour. In the provincial areas, life and church planting are more community oriented. (We have no traffic light, and only one stop sign in our entire town!)


Pastor Rod Nabua, Jr.
Lifeline Christian Bible Baptist Church
081 Purok 2, Brgy. San Jose, Castillejos
Zambales, Philippines, 2208
Cell Phone:0-926-432-6427
or +63-919-853-9445

Pastor Ireneo Tagulao
Grace of God Baptist Church
Buena-Vista, Castillejos, Zambales
Cell Phone: 0-920-341-6937

Sn. Ptr. Eleazar "Ely" Bataculin Dacuyan
Asst Pastor Jun Macadangdang, Jr.
Solid Rock Baptist Church
4th St., Del Pilar, Castillejos, Zambales, 2208
Cell Phone: 0-921-295-6202
E-Mail Pastor (1): edacuyan_2000@yahoo.com
E-Mail Asst.Ptr: junmacadangdang@yahoo.com

Iba (our Provincial Capital)

Iba Bible Baptist Mission
San Agustin, Iba, Zambales
Cell Phone:0-907-526-4968
E-Mail: Reaching_Iba@Yahoo.com
Cell Phone: 0-907-526-4968

Iba Sunbeam Bible Baptist Mission
Little Tokyo, Sta. Barbara, Iba, Zambales
Cell Phone: 0-921-717-0853
E-Mail: rbarguilla@yahoo.com

Other Pastors and Churches

Pastor Hermino Flores
Holy Bible Baptist Church
Cell Phone 0-919-847-6690
E-Mail: pastorflores2002@yahoo.com

Pastor Salih Olavides
Metropolitan Bible Baptist Mission
Cell Phone:0-919-209-3762
San Narciso, Zambales
E-Mail: sali090445@yahoo.com

Pastor Fred Montero
Independent Baptist Church
Cell Phone:0-922-434-1799

Pastor Ting Dejesa
Jesus Christ Baptist Church
Parel, Botolan, Zambales 2202
Land line: 047-810-1165
Cell Phone: 09180371-2928

Pastor Ed Barrientos
Metropolitan Bible Baptist Church
Badiwan, Benguet
Cell Phone:0-920-238-2038

Pastor Bong DeLiquena
New Testament Baptist Church
Dinalupihan, Bataan
Cell Phone: 0-919-227-4860

Pastor Melchor Boniog
Bible Baptist Church
Tayug, Pangasinan
Land line Phone:075-572-3553

Our Philippine regions will be expanded as other pastors add their churches to our list. May God bless you for wanting your loved ones saved. - Missionary Mike Mislan

Thanks for your visit and please pray for me!



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