

San Marcelino Baptist
Bible Seminary
And Technical School
From some of our our 2009 Graduates!

Phone Text from Sis. Maria Catrina Fernandez
Pastor Mislan and Family, Good Morning! I would like to thank you for the encouragement of
pushing us to do more in God's Vineyard, because
our labor will not be in vain...God bless you more...
Written Preface from Sister Jelisa Santos in her compilation and binding
of all class handouts and notes.
When I first stepped on the green, green grass of home, I mean of the SMBBS, I didn't think it was a
school. There was no big signboard in front that says SAN MARCELINO BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY. I was hesitant to
go; I said I wanted a real school, maybe somewhere in the city. But. That night I realized that SMBBS is not a school;
it is the school for me. The year had been quite challenging. I've been like a living lump of clay jumping in and out
of the Potter's hand and running here and there and everywhere. But this school has always been God's tranquilizer for
me. There I find myself in peace and victory. Every lesson changes something in me. They don't just fill
my brain, they shape my heart. I had many uncertainties before, but through this school, the Word of God grounded me...
As I look back..I know the SMBBS will always be an instrument in the completion of the work that God has begun in me.
Cell Phone Text from Pastor Elmer Biado, Christian Baptist Tabernacle, Olongapo City, Zambales
Just wanna say thank you for making our workers equip 4 d ministry. God Bless! Paster Elmer and CBT Members.




A Few More . . . .

Dennis Linobo, Pastor, Landmark Bible Baptist Church, New Cabalon, Olongapo City: Myself and several of our
members completed various courses at the SMBBS, and we also opened our church as an extension! I recommend this school for
any serious student of the Word. -
Pastor Larry Dimaandal, Resident Pastor, Christian Baptist Tabernacle, Subic: Right now I am
on my Second Year of my study in Pastoral Theology and am learning a lot of lessons and biblical principles from his FREE
Bible Seminary. He is very very strict in terms of standards, teaching and discipline, because He wants us to meet the high
standards and principles of the Bible -
Bro. Jun Macadangdang, acting Pastor, Solid Rock
Baptist Church, Castillejos: Pastor Mike Mislan is my professor at San Marcelino Baptist Bible Seminary. I've
known him for almost two years now since my first year at SMBBC seminary. I'm now in second year taking Pastoral Studies.
Pastor Mislan maintains high standards of our seminary. He is strict in implementing the compliance of students to the academic
requirements as well as to the rules and regulations of our seminary...Comparing our seminary with Bible institutes I have
attended, Pastor Mislan is after the quality of students that the seminary produces. Thus we benefit a lot(spiritually) from
our rigid training. He challenges us to always give our best in exams, lectures, research projects, and expositions. Meeting
his high standard is an encouragement to us to remain faithful students. He inspired us with his teachings and insights during
lectures. Thus we are proud to be a student of one of the best Bible school in Zambales...
Bro. Alex Josafat, SMBC Youth Director, San Marcelino, Zambales: Thanks to the SMBBS I was able
to complete three modular courses, at just one night per week, which helped me in the ministry. -
Maria Fe, Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church, Subic:
I thank God for you and the school there in San Marcelino, serving as an instrument of God to help us improve
our learning and practicing our desires to learn more and be a help to the church, the education we received does not only
give us informative fact but develops in us a character of being responsible for the wisdom that we get from God's word, encouraging
us to spent time studying His word, the school even offers subject that can reach Filipino's approach as our culture fed us
with strange belief of spirits or strange creatures, also helps us to learn cooperation as we work on groups discussion and
teach us discipline and trustworthiness as we do our home reports and examinations ..it's been a year of experiencing blessing
from God's word and blessing from your toil to gather this education and share it to us... Thank you Pastor.
Bro. Edgar Morados, College and Career SS Teacher,
Landmak BBC of New Cabalon, Olongapo City: My wife and I took the One Year Bible in the Christian Worker program
and the courses really helped us, expecially the "Cults" which I taught to my Sunday School class. -
Rev. Damian Borbe, Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church, Subic: I graduated from a modular
course and had several from my church graduate from their first year program. I think it's a good school. -
San Marcelino
Baptist Bible Seminary
National Rd. Brgy. San Guillermo, San Marcelino, Zambales,
Philippines 2207

