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Meet our 2009-2010 School Faculty


Stay Tuned, Under Construction 


Mike Mislan

After I worked on the courses, lectures, and time slots for our school calendar, last night as students and pastors were coming in for our registration and orientation, I had some slots open for needed teachers. As I asked them to look over the courses without teachers, the attitude of these national pastors, ministry leaders and senior students was amazing.  Realizing how they rescued me, and how much I depend on them for the success of our school, I returned to this site and decided to add a page to publicly thank them.  I am hoping to help them construct websites to their churches so that you can clink a link from and learn more about them.  None get a salary, and they volunteer their time because they see the need in supporting a school like ours.  So stay tuned, as I work on this page.


Professor Larry A. Dimaandal, Pastoral Epistles
Pastor Larry A. Dimaandal holds a One Year Bible in the Christian Worker, an Associates in Pastoral Theology, and Technical Training Certificates in Basic PC and Website Construction.  He has planted and Pastors the Christian Baptist Tabernacle in Subic, has several ministries, has a family, and teaches Pastoral Epistles to our Second Year Pastoral Theology majors. He is a good friend, has written good things about me in my testimonials page, and together, we constructed a website for his church. To lean more about Pastor Larry and his church, click here.


Pastor Jun Docuyanan, Prof of National Church Planting
Pastor Jun Docuyanan has been an Associate Pastor for seven years, has since started the Iba Bible Baptist Mission, and holds a one Year Bible in the Christian Worker, a Three Year Graduate degree in Pastoral Theology, and has completed other training seminars.  As a National Church planter, he is our Professor of National Church Planting to our second year Pastoral Majors. 
I'll place his website link here


Prof. Jun Macadangdang
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Prof. I. Tagulao
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Sister Bessie Docuyanan, Teacher of the "Pastor's Wife"
Sister Bessie, a pastor's wife, holds a Graduate in Christian Education, a Bachelors in Secondary Education, and a Technical Training Certificate in Basic PC.  She was certified to teach religious instruction in the Iba Public school system, and conducts ladies' Bible studies, vacation Bible Schools, Children's Sunday Schools, with outreaches to the elementary and high schools and more with their mission in Iba.   Here, she  teaches the "Pastor's Wife" to our second year ladies.


Prof. Elmer Biado
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Prof. Edward Aldana, Major Doctrines and Baptist Disntinctives
Bro. Edward Aldana holds a One Year Bible in the Christian Worker, an Associates in Pastoral Theology and a Technical Certificate in Encoding.  He has preached, headed up Bible Studies and other outreaches, has taught Adult Sunday School, has headed up choirs, is a staff member of the San Marcelino Baptist Church, and is our Professor for Major Doctrines of the Faith and Baptist Distinctives.


Prof. Richard Elamparo
Bro. Richard Elamparo is married with children, and is an active Deacon of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Castillejos.  He holds a One Year Bible in the Christian Worker, an Associates in Pastoral Theology, with additional Technical Training Certificates in Basic PC and Desktop publishing.   Bro. Rich teaches Evanglism and Basic Bible to our First Year students.


Teacher Lenore Mislan
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Director Mike Mislan

Mike Mislan, a former USMC noncommissioned officer, Pinkerton Lieutenant, and Pastor in the States, is a BBFI missionary who has planted the San Marcelino Baptist Church, and founded the San Marcelino Baptist Bible Seminary and Tech School. Holding Graduate degrees in Christian Education and Pastoral Theology,  Bachelors in Ministry of Mission, Ministerial Theology and Bible Philosophy, with additional diplomas in Criminology, Criminal Investigation, the Military and Police Sciences, and as a member of the Philippine National Police Chaplains Service Speaker's Bureau, the Philippine National Police Values Formation Foundation, the Movement for Righteous Leadership, and a charter member of the Castillejos Mayors' Panel, and disctrict certified Values Ed. teacher, Mike pastors, lectures and teaches with ministries to the Police, municipals, schools, and soon with the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy. He pretty much teaches anything that needs to be taught, having designed these courses himself.

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