
SMBBS, operates as a training ministry sanctioned by the Constitution & By-laws of the San Marcelino Baptist Church, a
duly SEC & BIR registered non-stock religious organization, which subscribes to the Articles of Faith as adopted by the
Baptist Bible Fellowship International and the Global Independent Baptist Fellowship, USA, and whose name appears in the Diretory
of Fundamental Baptist Churches. This means the prospective applicant must make a decision if he wants to be trained for man's
approval or God's approval! As a church-operated school, we do not seek government accreditation.
DOCTRINES: The SMBBS is committed to the biblical doctrines of the Baptist faith as historically held throughout
the centuries by Bible believing Christians: This includes the infallibility of the Scriptures as originally given by the
inspiration of God and perfectly preserved in the KJV as the sole and final authority for English speaking peoples in all
matters of faith and practice; the triunity of the One God Who exists as the Persons of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost;
the direct Genesis account of the creation and fall of man as opposed to any form of evolution; the Deity, virgin birth, sinlessness,
vicarious death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ; the total depravity of man, his absolute need of regeneration by
the Holly Spirit; the all-sufficiency of Christ's death who died for all men, and for our salvation which is received by faith
alone, the eternal security and the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit in every believer today, the founding of the local,
visible church by Christ which was labeled as Anabaptist during persecutions, the personal, imminent, pre-millennial, re-tribulation
rapture, and in the return of Christ in glory and power,& a literal heaven and hell. . . . We teach in the literal
interpretation of Scripture, that the KJV is the preserved, inerrant, plenary, and infallible Word of God, that the Hebrew
Maseretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptus are the manuscripts God preserved, that the Wescott and Hort family of manuscripts
are corrupt, that Christ died for ALL men, that God's election was based on His foreknowledge, that whosoever will may be
saved, that Christ established His church before Pentecost, that this church was labeled "Anabaptist" thru persecution, and
that "Anabaptists" are the forerunners of many Baptists today. We reject theistic evolution, neo-orthodoxy, higher criticism,
Pentecostalism, hyper-Calvinism, charismatic bondage breaking, and easy-believism, and are conservative in worship, separated
in standard, Biblical in teaching, missionary in motive, sincere in service, honest in character and peaceful in living.
No school faculty is permitted to visit or make offers to any student which may benefit their own church or ours. Our school
will not enroll, teach or graduate any student without their pastor's approval, nor will we know-ingly contradict a pastor's
teachings before his students. The pastor's office will be kept in high regard and if a difference exists, we will seek to
solve it personally without involving his students. We will only use the KJV as our authoritive text, & any references
to other translations will be for the purpose of exposing their errors, or for confirming a truth already established by the
superior KJV Bible.
OUR FACULTY.... Our faculty consists of dedicated area Pastors, Bible
college graduates doing apprenticeships, and Christian Leaders. To lower our costs, they serve without pay and have a genuine
interest in the spiritual welfare of their students. Since our volunteer faculty usually changes year by year, we cannot provide
a permanent listing here.
SEMINARY APPLICANTS....Applicants must give testimony to their salvation,
be at least 17 years of age, be a high school graduate, have their pastor's approval, be an active member of a Baptist (or
doctrinally compatible baptistic Bible-believing evangelistic) church, agree to abide by the teachings and policies of this
school, commit to remain active in their own church throughout their studies, pay our P50 registration fee, and pass our Director's
evaluation. HIGH SCHOOLERS in their third or fourth year, who have proven themselves to be responsible, who come with both
parental and pastoral approval, may register for one modular course per semester, or enroll in our Christian Worker program
if they demonstrate exceptional maturity. LATE COMERS may take the next available course as a modular student, or if registering
for our seminary program, must satisfy our requirements for any lectures missed. TRANFERS must submit an official transcript
or sworn statement of courses completed to receive a specialized training program which will satisfy our requirements for
the degree they are pursuing.
set at only P50 (or one US dollar) per year which includes all handouts, with the remainder being financed through our church's
missions program, and scholarship grants from a donor. Student handbook, student ID, graduation with meal and diploma are
extra, but will not exceed six US dollars total. TECHNICAL APPLICANTS: A one time P50 Lab Fee per course,
which includes all sessions and a Technical Training Certificate.
GRADUATION: Our P100 Graduation Fee includes a meal & your quality
printed parchment Diploma, at a SMBC hosted graduation banquet. Additional meals are P90 each.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We will not deny any qualified applicant from receiving
a Bible education simply because he or she does not have the ability to pay. Under our Work Program a student may work in
exchange for a free education and graduation. Those with good grades and who live far, may also be eligible for our Scholarship
Fund. Please see our director for details. CONSIDERATIONS: See our Director to discuss other options.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS...After satisfactory completing the academic
and character requirements for your course, the follow procedure should be followed. First, submit all completed handouts
for final "viewing." Then meet with our Director to review your student Records & Transcripts so that you can select if
you should graduate as a Modular, Tech, or Seminary student. Then fill out and return your graduation slip with your payments
so we can print your diploma, certificates or Course Certifications and prepare the meals for you and your guests at your
graduation ceremony! Third Year Graduates will wear Caps and Gowns.
HANDOUTS . . (HOs) are distributed free to any registered student who
attends that lecture & who has completed & turned in all HOs from their previous course. HOs not received because
of missed lectures, or not distributed because previous ones were still out or incomplete, will cost P2 per page. HOs turned
in with blanks or unanswered questions will be rejected with demerits being applied against the student's character. Also,
because we expect our graduates to KEEP their HOs as future reference materials in the ministry, we will require a "showing"
of all completed HOs before graduation to ensure they are being keep in good order.
LECTURES..Students are expected to attend EVERY required lecture and
missed lecturers will result in writing a ten page report on the lecture missed, completing an extra project or assignment,
or attending a make-up lecture, with additional penalties of character demerits, and paying for missing handouts at P2 per
page. If more than one lecture is missed, the student may be dropped. However, missed lectures caused by unforeseen accidents
or with pastoral concent, may be made up without penalties.
BIBLE EXPOSITIONS..must be complete, thorough, contain depth, all lines
filled in, with no "fillers" or stretching tactics. Not turning in half your required reports by the closing of our first
semester overloads our grading ability and will result in demerits. Research Projects should reflect YOUR OWN without much
internet copying and pasting. See your instructor for other assignment requiments.PC LAB "No shows" to a reserved PC session
will result in a P25 fine. If you can't keep your appointment, just text.
DRESS CODE... What you chose to wear on the outside, reveals who you
are on the inside! Male students should look (& act) like gentlemen, wearing button shirts & slacks, and female students
should dress (& acts) like ladies wearing modest length skirts and no low-cut tops. Inappropriate, sloppy or sensual clothing
will result in demerits.
STUDENT IDs are optional, but if issued, must be worn to all lectures,
are NOT to be abused by lowering pamamsahe rates on non school days or as ministerial credentials to obtain considerations,
& must be surrendered back to our school if disciplined or expelled. Replacements, or optional IDs for modular & Tech
students are P20.
REFUNDS...Sorry, we make no profit, are a ministry, & cannot afford
to give refunds. Please commit yourself before registering.
LIBRARY...Our Library contains volumes of books, cassette tapes, videos,
xerox machine, computers, typewriters, and more. However, to protect our library, a P100 deposit is required before checking
out select books one at a time, with P50 being returned at the end of the year if all books have been returned in good condition.
GRADING...Your final grade consists of adding up your scores for academic
achievements (handouts, exams, demos, reports, memorizations), while subtracting demerits against your testimony (late attendance,
missed lectures, worldly or sloppy clothing, missed chapel services of your church, late returns of handouts, exams or assignments,
blanks, incompletes, not wearing/losing ID, etc.) giving you a final grade which reflects your academics AND character. A
minimum of 75% must be maintained to graduate.
STUDENT DISCIPLINE...To enable the student to receive a low-cost education,
the SMBC "shoulders " about 2/3rds of your tuition and will NOT tolerate any student who does not appreciate this low-cost
education. While we trust our students will be industrious in their studies, any student who is continually lazy, or who is
caught cheating or copying from another students work is eligible for expulsion. Church disciplined students are automatically
expelled, & any student may be dropped based upon the recommendation of their pastor. In the event a student is expelled
from our school, he or she must surrender their student ID.
San Marcelino
Baptist Bible Seminary
National Rd. Brgy. San Guillermo, San Marcelino, Zambales,
Philippines 2207

